Endowment Fund
With your continued help, our aim is to assist in funding PUFF programs (such as Emergency First Response and large capital acquisitions), which are not eligible expenses covered by the Local Services Board levy.
Example 1: If only 50 of our loyal supporters were to donate $200 each, our annual objective of $10,000 would be met.
Example 2: If only 100 of our loyal supporters were to donate $100 each, our annual objective of $10,000 would be met.
Example 3: If only 500 of our loyal supporters were to donate $20 each, our annual objective of $10,000 would be met.
Any “tax deductible” gift is appreciated and can be done in the following ways:
- Complete and mail your cheque payable to “Kenora LOW Community Foundation” Box 441 Kenora, ON P9N 3X4 earmarked for the PUFF Endowment Fund.
- Send your cheque directly to P.U.F.F. Box 1, Site 6B, RR 1, Keewatin, Ontario, P0X 1C0 indicating it is for the endowment fund.
- Use the internet and a credit card. Go to the Kenora and Lake of the Woods Regional Community Foundation website (http://www.klwcf.ca), click “Donate Now”, select “Pellatt United Fire Fighters” from the drop down box entitled “Select The Fund Your Donation Will Support” and enter your personal & financial information.
Remember that “bequests” are also a means of ensuring the long-term viability of our firehall and possibly reduce your remittance to the “tax man”!